Senotlolo sena sa botlolo sa corgi se hatisitsoeng sa 3D se theko e tlaase ebile sea rateha.

Ke rata corgis. Ha e le hantle, ha ke nahane hore nkile ka kopana le mang kapa mang ea neng a sa rate lintja, ntle le haeba a ne a hloile lintja ka ho feletseng, 'me ... Ha ke rate ho qeta nako le batho bana. Ho hlakile hore Mofumahali o bile le li-corgis tse fetang 30 ho tloha ha a fihla teroneng, empa ho bohlokoa le ho feta ho nna, motsoala oa ka o na le tse peli 'me kea li rata. Ke tumme ka ho hlokomoloha tšebelisano ea batho nakong ea matsatsi a phomolo, ke khetha ho qeta nako le lintja le maoto a tsona a makhutšoanyane le pososelo ea ka ho sa feleng. Hangata ke lakatsa eka nka e honyetsa fatše, ke e kenye ka pokothong ea ka, ebe ke e isa hae ho sa hlokomelehe. Pocket corgi…ke mohopolo o motle hakaakang!
Eric Ho o thehile ho hong ho betere - pocket corgi e ka bulang biri ea hau. Setsebi sa mehleng sa Shapeways media media se se se hlahisitsoe ho; ka December selemong se fetileng, mosebetsi oa hae o behile tse ’nè har’a lihlahisoa tse leshome tse shejoang haholo tsa Shapewas.
"Ha ke sa sebeletsa Shapeways," Ho o bolelletse “Ke ile ka etsa qeto ea ho tsoela pele ho hlahloba menyetla e meng. Leha ho le joalo, ke ntse ke na le Shapeways mme ke tsepamisitse maikutlo ho liemahale tsa corgi tse hatisitsoeng tsa 3D le meralo ea foreimi e nyane e ka sebelisoang joalo ka liketane tsa linotlolo le li-opening tsa botlolo. E bonolo, e ntle ebile e theko e tlaase, liphoofolo tsena tsa wireframe "3D e hatisitsoe ke Shapeways. Ena ke sehlahisoa se seng se loketse ho sebelisoa le se sebetsang. Tsena e ne e le mefuta ea 3D e entsoeng ka tšebelisano le moqapi Kostika Spaho.
Le bona ba batle haholo. Ho's Corgi Bottle Opener/Keychain e entsoe e le seemahale se bonolo sa terata se hokelang habonolo ketane ea linotlolo, 'me maoto a ka pele a ts'oara le ho tlosa likatiba tsa libotlolo. Hajoale e fumaneha ka tšepe e sa hloekang, tšepe ea khauta e betliloeng le e betliloeng, tšepe e betliloeng le ea borashe ea boronse, tšepe ea nickel e betliloeng, tšepe e 'mala o moputsoa e betliloeng le tšepe e ntšo e betliloeng. Ka bobeli li fumaneha ka $29.99. Ho na le litšepe tse ling tse 'maloa tse turang haholo sehlopheng sa "leka pele".
Ntle le corgis ea hae, Ho o boetse a theha letoto la liphoofolo tsa wireframe. Li-dolphin, li-sloth le li-velociraptor ke tse ling tsa litšoantšo tse betliloeng tsa terata, li-keychain le li-bottle opener tseo lebenkele la hae le fanang ka tsona hona joale. Ha a bala lebenkele la hae, lerato la hae bakeng sa corgis le lona lea bonahala: liemahale tsa hae tsa lehlabathe li kenyelletsa Lobster Corgi, Karate Corgi, le seo ke se ratang, Thorgie.
Ho tells us that he is currently offering his services to anyone interested in commissioning or opening a store on Shapeways. Along with Spaho, who has been involved in several projects in the past, he recently left Shapeways and founded Raw Legend Collaborations, which is described as “a collaborative design workshop for the most elite designers and 3D modelers in the world.” 3D modeling, as well as consultations on social networks. You can contact Ho through the Raw Legends website or at
Buisanang ka pale ena sethaleng sa "3D Printed Corqi Bottle Opener" ho Joale sheba pontšo ena ea hore na ho bonolo hakae ho bula biri ka Corgi ea hau:
Lula u ntse u tseba litaba tsa morao-rao tsa indasteri ea khatiso ea 3D 'me u fumane lintlha le limpho ho tsoa ho barekisi ba mekhatlo e meng.
Modix, moetsi oa lisebelisoa tsa extrusion tse mahareng le tse kholo, o itokisetsa ho bonts'a khatiso ea eona ea morao-rao ea 3D, Modix Core-Meter, ketsahalong e tlang ea Formnext 2023. Metara ea mantlha…
Re qala ho bona mahlale a macha a inkjet a kenang 'marakeng oa li-additive production (AM). Leha ts'ebetso ena e ntse e tsoela pele butle-butle lilemong tse mashome a seng makae tse fetileng,…
Lintho li theohile hanyane bekeng ena, empa ho ntse ho e-na le liketsahalo tse ngata le li-webinars tse lokelang ho ba teng indastering ea tlhahiso ea tlatsetso! Stratasys le 3D Systems li ntse li tsoela pele…
Hoo e ka bang lilemo tse leshome tse fetileng, baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa laser powder bed welding (LPBF) ba ile ba bontša toro ea feme ea khatiso ea tšepe ea 3D e ikemetseng ka botlalo. Pono e kang feme ea AM ea Concept Laser…
Lula u ntse u tseba litaba tsa morao-rao tsa indasteri ea khatiso ea 3D 'me u fumane lintlha le limpho ho tsoa ho barekisi ba mekhatlo e meng.
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Nako ea poso: Oct-24-2023