brooch lapel pin FAQ

1. Q: Can I get brooch lapel pin samples?

A: To obtain samples, please contact us at the following :TradeManager: artigiftsmedals:WhatsApp
+86 15917237655
Business Inquiry – Email Us

2. Q: Do you have a catalogue?

A: Yes we do have a catalog. Don’t hesitate to contact us to ask us to send you one. But remember that artigiftsmedals is specialized in providing customized products. Another option is to visit us during one of our exhibition Shows.

3. Q: What guarantee do I have that assures me I will get my order from you since I have to pay in advance? What happens if the brooch lapel pin you shipped are wrong or poorly made?

A: artigiftsmedals has been in business since 2007. We do not only believe that our job consists in making good products but also building strong and long-term relationship with our customers. Our reputation among customers and their satisfaction are the main reasons for our success.

Furthermore, whenever a customer makes an order, we can make approval samples on request. It is also in our own interest to get approval from the customer first before starting production. This is how we can afford a “Full After-Sales Service”. If the brooch lapel pin does not meet your strict requirements, we can provide either immediate refund or immediate remakes at no extra cost to you.

We have set up this model in order to set customers in a position of confidence and reliability.

4. Q: How can I get a tracking number of my order that has been shipped?

A: Whenever your order is shipped, a shipping advise will be sent to you the same day with all the information concerning this shipment as well as the tracking number.

5. Q: Why can’t stainless steel be plated?

A: As general rule, it is that only Brass, Copper, Iron, Zinc alloy can be plated in our facilities.

6. Q: Is it possible to have 2 plating on the same item (Gold Nickel plating is all right?)?

A: Yes, “double plating” can be done. But, if you plan to make an order with such process.

Post time: May-18-2024